Orange 2L
Orange 2L
Ingredientes: Agua Gaseificada, Acucar
Acidulante: Acido Citrico, Aromatizantes
Conservante: Benzoata de Sodio
Corante: Amarelo de Por-do-sol
Adocante Dietetico: Acesulfame de Potassio, Ciclamato de Sodio, SucraloseIngredients: Carbonated Water, Sugar
Acidulant: Citric Acid (E330), Flavouring
Preservative: Sodium Benzoate (E211)
Colourants: Sunset Yellow (E110)
Non-Nutritive Sweeteners: Acesulfame-K (E950), Sodium Cyclamate (E952), Sucralose (E955) -
Informacao Nutricional / Nutrition Information Por/Per 100 ml Por/Per 350 ml Energia / Energy (KJ) 131.75 461.125 Proteina / Protein (g) 0.00 0.00 Carboideatos Glycemicos / Clycaemic Carbohydrates (g) 8.525 27.125 Do Qual O Acucar Total / Of Which Total Sugar (g) 5.874 18.69 Gordura Total / Toptal Fat (g) 0.00 0.00 Das quais gorduras saturadas / Of which Saturated Fat (g) 0.00 0.00 Fibras Dieteticas / Dietary Fibre (g) 0.00 0.00 Total de Sodio / Sodium (mg) 12.06 42.21
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